Ducharme mix
The ASCOT pattern consists of guillotined ashlar sticks and guillotined seam face jumpers. Since the sticks and jumpers expose different faces of the stone, the variations in the stone's natural textures and grains are truly highlighted.
Foundation footing options

- Variable 3in.1/2 - 5in.1/2

(full thickness building stone)

- Variable 1in.1/4 - 1in.1/2

(thinstone veneer)

Colour options
Marbled Yellow
Shown Colour Mix: Atmosphere
Shown Colour Mix: Atmosphere
Shown Colour Mix: Atmosphere
Shown Colour Mix: Atmosphere
Shown Colour Mix: Atmosphere

 Important: Our photos and samples provide a general overview of the color and texture of our products. Natural stone is very unique and presents variations in tones, colors, veining and textures. That’s Ducharme’s irresistible natural charm!